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索比光伏网  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-05-20 17:30
来源丨Solarbe Global JA Solar: Continuous Expansion to 10 Billion Level晶澳科技斥资103亿投建一体化产能On May 18, JA Solar Technology Co., Ltd.(002459.SZ), a leading manufacturer of high-performance photovoltaic products, announced that the company intends to invest in integrated solar cell and module projects with tens of billions of production capacity.According to the announcement, the company plans to invest in projects including 10GW high-efficiency solar cell and 5GW solar module project in Qujing City and 11GW high-power module expansion project in Hefei Province, with an estimated investment of 10.29 billion yuan, accounting for 62.38% of JA Solar's latest audited net assets. 5月18日,晶澳科技(SZ:002459)发布公告,公司拟投建曲靖10GW高效电池、5GW组件项目以及合肥11GW高功率组件改扩建项目,总投资额为102.9亿元,资金来源为自筹资金,占最近一期经审计净资产的比例为62.38%。Polys ………………………………

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