专栏名称: 上海艺果
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上海艺果  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-15 08:50
//点击蓝字 · 关注我们来源: https://multifarious.filkin.com/2022/07/30/character-counts/Character counts…Trados机译字符计数...JULY 30, 2022 ~ PAUL FILKIN译后编辑(MTPE):田惠才          The most viewed article I have ever written by far was “So how many words do you think it was?” which I wrote in 2012 almost ten years ago. I revised it once in 2015 and whilst I could revise it again based on the current versions of Trados Studio I don’t really see the point. The real value of that article was understanding how the content can influence a word-count and why there could be differences between different applications, or versions of the same application, when analysing a text. But I do think it’s worth revisiting in the context of MT (machine translation) which is often measured in characters as opposed to words… and oh yes, another long article warning!迄今为止,我写过的文章中浏览次数最多的是“你认为它有多少字? ………………………………

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