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China丨Third aircraft carrier completes maiden sea trial

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-05-09 14:36
CNS Fujian, China's third aircraft carrier, finished its maiden sea trial and returned to a shipyard in Shanghai on Wednesday afternoon, the People's Liberation Army Navy said in a brief news release.▲CNS Fujian during its maiden sea trial, which tested the carrier's propulsion and electric power systems. CHINA DAILYIt said that during the eight-day sea trial, engineers and Navy sailors tested the carrier's propulsion and electric power systems and achieved their goals.The Fujian is now berthed at China State Shipbuilding Corp's Jiangnan Shipyard.Hardware and software tests will now take place on the carrier in accordance with its construction plan, the Navy said.It said the Fujian had successfully completed mooring tests and the equipment installation process before its first sea trial.One of the most important pieces of military hardware China is working on, the Fujian was officially unveiled in June 2022 in Shanghai when it was towed out of the Jiangnan Shipyard.When commissioned ………………………………

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