专栏名称: 藏艺轩文化艺术
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东方雅韵,匠心传承 精品杂项共赏(459)

藏艺轩文化艺术  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-17 17:57
中国古代青铜铸造业的产生,开创了青铜时代的文明。青铜器是中国古代灿烂文明的载体之一,它以品类繁多,造型精致奇特,纹饰严谨逼真,铸造技术先进完美而闻名于世。青铜器制作在发展过程中形成各个时期的风格特征,商周时代的青铜器以奇丽厚重古朴典雅著称于世,春秋战国时代的青铜器则具有制作灵巧、纹饰活泼多变的新特点。The emergence of bronze foundry in ancient China initiated the civilization of the bronze age. Bronze ware is one of the carriers of brilliant civilization in ancient China. It is famous for its variety, exquisite and peculiar shape, precise and realistic decoration, and advanced and perfect casting technology. Bronze wares in Shang and Zhou Dynasties are famous for their magnificence, grandeur, simplicity and elegance. Bronze wares in ………………………………

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