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炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-30 20:51
新闻导读在拜登总统的就职典礼上,22岁的黑人女诗人阿曼达·戈尔曼朗读了自己的诗《我们翻越山丘》在美国引发轰动。她是史上第一位,也是最年轻的,在美国总统就职典礼上朗读诗歌的全美青年桂冠诗人。她的诗有什么特别之处?对于治理国家来说,诗又可以起到什么样的作用?新闻原文A President Can Govern in PoetryBy Timothy EganOne line you didn’t hear in Joe Biden’s big-hearted Inaugural Address was one of his favorite bits of Irish verse — a yearning for the rarest of convergences, when “hope and history rhyme,” by the Irish Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney.His colleagues in the Senate used to kid him for always citing Irish poets. “They thought I did it because I’m Irish,” he said. “I did it because they’re the best poets in the world.” He may have to revis ………………………………

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