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财经:2021年货币政策“稳”字当头丨Stability remains for monetary policy in 2021

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-11 10:14
导读 近期,央行多次强调2021年将保持政策的持续性,在稳增长的同时保持金融稳定,为正常的货币政策留存空间。周五,中国人民银行行长易纲表示,2021年货币政策突出一个“稳”字。专家认为,短期内央行不会收紧货币政策,也不会推出非常规的政策工具,但会继续将流动性维持在合理充裕的水平。China's monetary authorities will maintain consistent policies and ensure financial stability in 2021, leaving space for conventional measures to fuel robust economic growth, analysts said on Sunday.Their comments came after stability was highlighted as the priority of China's monetary policy in 2021 by Yi Gang, governor of the People's Bank of China, in an interview with Xinhua News Agency on Friday.Experts expect neither a sharp tightening of financial conditions nor the introduction ………………………………

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