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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-03 05:42
来源:联合国Message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the International Day of Human Fraternity联合国秘书长致辞安东尼奥·古特雷斯人类博爱国际日致辞4 February 20242024年2月4日On this International Day of Human Fraternity, we celebrate the spirit of mutual respect and solidarity that binds us together as one human family.值此人类博爱国际日之际,我们颂扬相互尊重和团结的精神,这种精神将我们紧紧连在一起,成为一个人类大家庭。Today, these values are being severely tested. Our world is marred by divisions, conflicts, and inequalities. Discrimination is running rampant.今天,这些价值观正受到严峻的考验。我们的世界饱受分裂、冲突和不平等的困扰。歧视现象大行其道。We must come together to protect and uphold human rights, combat hate speech and violent extremism, and push back against those who profit from fear.我们必须团结起来,保护和捍卫人权 ………………………………

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