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壹心理  · 公众号  · 心理学  · 2018-10-13 08:50
来源 | 网络20 几岁,对于全世界的人来说都是人生中重要的 10 年。「洋知乎」Quora上面有一个热门问题叫:20 几岁的人最该学也最难学的是什么?What are the most difficult and useful things people have to learn in their 20s?给大家筛选出了好评的回答,总结了6点,希望能在这重要的人生节点帮到大家。 01 以后的人生并不是单线竞争总会有比你聪明,比你好看,比你更擅长社交的人,到处都是比你好的人。事实上,许多人的确名副其实。开心点,你要学着接受自己和自己的缺点。There are always going to be people who are smarter, better looking, more sociable, and just all around "better" than you. In fact, you'll learn there are LOTS of people who fit that description. To be happy, then, you have to learn to accept yourself and your shortcoming ………………………………

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