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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2019-09-10 08:39
前段时间,换脸app因其隐私条款而引发巨大争议,2019年9月7日的《经济学人》中有篇文章对此进行了报道,我从中选出第一段和大家分享,希望你们能喜欢:原文①On the night of August 30th, soon after ZAO—an app whose name means "to make"—was launched, it proved so wildly popular that its servers crashed repeatedly. ②Almost as rapidly, a sudden backlash from its many fans nearly unmade it. ③Technology-news outlets and meticulous netizens who had combed through the terms of its user agreement found that by signing up, users had granted ZAO "completely free", "irrevocable" and "perpetual" rights to all content they uploaded to its platform.精读①On the night of August 30th, soon after ZAO—an app whose name means "to make"—was launched, it proved so wildly popular that its servers crashed repeatedly.8月30日 ………………………………

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