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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2022-06-29 17:35
2018年5月,习近平主席对在港两院院士来信作出重要指示强调,促进香港同内地加强科技合作,支持香港为建设科技强国贡献力量。有关部门迅速做好贯彻落实工作,有序推进内地与香港科技合作。In May 2018, President Xi Jinping's directive to support Hong Kong in becoming an international innovation and technology hub has affirmed the key role played by the special administrative region in the nation's scientific-technology development. Relevant departments quickly implemented the directive to promote scientific-technology cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong in an orderly fashion.习主席的重要指示推动了国家科研项目经费过境香港使用、科研仪器设备入境关税优惠等问题的解决。The president's directive has help to solve long-existed problems, like the cross-boundary remittance of project funding and preferential tariffs for equipment used in sci ………………………………

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