专栏名称: 可可英语
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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-07-19 18:00
Recollections往事Bing Xin冰心Bathed in moonlight, this verdant hill holds unrivaled charm, like a quiet girl, looking downward, unassuming, despite her striking beauty and disarming elegance.今夜林中月下的青山,无可比拟!仿佛万一,只能说是似娟娟的美女,虽是照人的明艳,却不飞扬妖冶;是低眉垂袖,璎珞矜严。Dancing moonlight seems to have deprived everything of its true color. The woods are dark; the sky is silvery; and the vast stretch of snow-covered grassland is now light blue. Dressed in these colors, the universe radiates serenity and grace, dignified but with a tinge of sadness, defying description, contemplation, or comprehension.流动的光辉之中,一切都失了正色:松林是一片浓黑的,天空是莹白的,无边的雪地,竟是浅蓝色的了。这三色衬成的宇宙,充满了凝静,超逸 ………………………………

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