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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2022-05-23 08:00
晨读音频文本导读Tiny Love Stories from Modern Love来自《现代爱情》的小故事My Sweetie《我亲爱的》We’ve endured lockdowns in Shanghai since March 2022, surfacing with just a day to buy provisions before going back into “house arrest.” 自2022年3月以来,我们在上海一直处于封控状态,中间只出门了一天去购买物资,然后就又被“软禁”在家里。My husband’s birthday fell on the second day of the current lockdown. I gave him, my spouse of 22 years, two packs of our favorite Swiss chocolates. He has slowly rationed one bag, not touching the second. 我丈夫的生日正好在这次封控的第二天。我给了这位和我结婚22年的另一半两包我们最爱的瑞士巧克力。他慢慢地把第一包分装好每次吃的份量,没有碰第二包。Our birthdays are five weeks apart.我们俩的生日相隔五周。In the spirit of making do with what we have, he surprised me by giving me the second ………………………………

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