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CATTI笔译备考  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-08-08 08:30
CATTI笔译备考关注个人成长,分享有用资源。小编有话说:   学起来~小编按照时间顺序为大家整理了近期外交部发言的金句汇总赶紧点赞收藏学起来叭8月3日And also, I wish to stress that if we look back at each provocation the US has made against China, we can see that they have invariably disgraced and backfired on the US itself.自取其辱、自食其果we can see that they have invariably disgraced and backfired on the US itselfThe US officials are simply trying to say anything to explain the visit away. They have even put the blame on us like a thief crying “Stop thief!” Over the past few days, many leaders around the world and people from different walks of life have voiced their opposition to the visit. Clearly, people with a sense of justice can easily tell right from wrong.贼喊捉贼a thief crying “Stop thief!” 公道自在人心people with a sense of justice can easily tell ri ………………………………

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