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意大利一女子2019年11月已感染新冠病毒丨Italy's 'patient zero' traced to Nov 2019

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-13 11:36
导读 据安莎社和《共和国报》网站等意大利媒体11日报道,意大利米兰大学牵头的一个国际研究团队从该国一名年轻女性皮肤病患者在2019年11月10日的活检样本中,发现了新冠病毒基因序列。这一结果将意大利“零号病人”出现时间再次提前到2019年11月。An international research team led by the University of Milan in Italy discovered the gene sequence of COVID from a biopsy sample of a young female patient with skin disease in the country on Nov 10, 2019, according to Italian media outlet ANSA and news website the Republic. This result has moved the appearance of "patient zero" in Italy to November 2019.The results were published in the British Journal of Dermatology. The researchers tested biopsy samples from a patient with atypical skin disease who had not been diagnosed in the last few months of ………………………………

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