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Ministry of Public Security issues holiday travel advisory

GDToday  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-03 12:42
This year's May Day Holiday falls on May 1 to May 5. During this time, both passenger and freight traffic will significantly increase, leading to heightened risks in road traffic safety.The Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China has issued a traffic safety warning, based on the characteristics of traffic accidents during the May Day holiday in recent years.According to the assessment, there are several prominent risks to road traffic safety during this year's May Day holiday:1. Strong travel demands may lead to significant risks in passenger transportation safety. With increased inter-provincial and inter-city travel for tourism and family visits during the holiday, it is expected that the demand for highway passenger transportation, tourism transportation, and rental charter services will notably increase. The safety risks associated with personalized travel such as reserved rental passenger transportation and self-driving rentals should not be underestimated ………………………………

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