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英语教学锦囊 | 获取学生对课程反馈的十个问题

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-12-31 00:10
一、进步与否⊙问学生:How would you describe your progress in English?Very good? Good? Or not very good?⊙学生回答时,要求其给出理由,并在老师给出建议前,先自行思考想要如何改进 ?二、薄弱环节⊙问学生:Which area(s) would you like to work on more?Listening? Speaking? Writing? Reading? Pronunciation? Vocabulary? Grammar?  ⊙学生可能会回答:All of them. 但在探讨的时候,教师可以引导学生找到自己最薄弱的环节,以便制定下一步的学习计划。三、期望学什么⊙问学生:Are there any topics you would like to learn in future classes?⊙了解学生的诉求,并将其融入下一个阶段的课程,可让课程内容更 meaningful,显著提升学生的学习兴趣。四、对课堂活动的看法⊙问学生:Which types of activities are especially useful for you? ………………………………

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