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Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2021-02-23 12:17
▲Quora第932篇 | #精选/ #口语/ #情怀(文末领”资源“)(741字) 那也不能还不知道F2就是重命名快捷键吧What are the greatest misuses uses of software?Li Xiong · Updated May 9, 2014 Software and Applications · Microsoft Support Engineer and SDE227.7k Views · 3.7k UpvotesMy mom used a physical calculator to calculate result from two excel cells and put the result to another cell, and repeat for another 200 rows, for 5 years as her end month report job. One day I dropped by her office and helped with the formula. She was wordless and I was loved.In comments people say it is Microsoft's fault. Actually, I work at Microsoft.我妈用普通计算器从两个Excel单元格中计算出结果,然后把结果手动输入另一个单元格中,再重复计算200行,她5年的月末报告工作都是这么做的。直到有一次我去了她办公 ………………………………

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