专栏名称: 哈佛商业评论
《哈佛商业评论》( Harvard Business Review,简称 HBR )创建于1922年,是哈佛商学院的标志性杂志,被全球商界誉为“管理圣经”,众多耳熟能详的管理思想家、管理理论均出自《哈佛商业评论》。更多管理智慧,请登录官方网站:www.hbrchina.org。
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哈评双语 | How companies expain large-scale failure(企业如何解释重大失败)

哈佛商业评论  · 公众号  · 商业  · 2018-06-20 08:00
Creating bold new products requires experimentation, and sometimes things go catastrophically wrong. When that happens, smart firms focus on the opportunity for organizational learning—a process known as sensemaking. A new paper examines a different aspect of catastrophic failure: sensegiving, or how a company frames the event for outside stakeholders, including investors and customers, and for the public at large.catastrophic:灾难性的,毁灭性的大胆的产品创新需要实验,有时会造成惨重失败。出现这种情况时,明智的企业会强调组织学习的机会,即“意义构建”。一项新研究分析了重大失败的另一面向:“意义赋予”,即公司如何向外部利益相关方(包括投资者、客户和一般公众)解释失败。Researchers examined tweets, blog posts, and media statements from the private space companies ………………………………

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