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电子游戏 恋上手机(上)

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-02-06 06:25
 Video games A crush on mobile电子游戏,恋上手机A big merger shows where the money is heading in the industry.一次大规模的合并显示出行业内资金的流向。Compare “Candy Crush Saga” with the “Star Wars” franchise and it comes as a shock that the casual game's creator,2012年迪士尼收购卢卡斯影业和电影《星球大战》系列特许经营权的价格是40亿美元,King Digital Entertainment, would sell for almost 50% more than the $4 billion that Disney paid for Lucasfilm in 2012.相比之下,休闲类游戏开发商King数字娱乐公司和旗下游戏《糖果传奇》特许经营权将会以多出近20亿美元的价格出售,这是令人意想不到的。But in paying $5.9 billion in cash and stock for King on November 3rd Activision Blizzard, a giant in video games for computers and specialist gaming consoles, is doing m ………………………………

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