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如果可以住进大观园,你想借宿哪处院子呢?| Weekend Where to go

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-04-11 16:21
Whenever I read Dream of the Red Chamber, I can't help but dream about visiting Daguanyuan, or the Grand View Garden, for a few days so I could hang out with these principal characters living inside.无论何时重读《红楼梦》,我都会忍不住脑补自己探访大观园、和各位主角一起逛园子、开诗社、赴夜宴的情景。▲《大观园图(局部)》 清 国家博物馆藏The Grand View Garden provides a setting for much of the story of Dream of the Red Chamber. It's where the protagonist Jia Baoyu and several of the "12 beauties" live in well-designed courtyards.《红楼梦》中的许多情节都发生在大观园。那一座座充满意蕴的庭院为宝玉和众位姐妹构筑了一个自由清净的天地。▲《大观园图(局部)》 清 国家博物馆藏 Ever since the birth of the novel, the 12 main female characters, aka the "twelve ………………………………

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