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茶歇时间  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-06-22 09:00
上面高亮的是原文,下面是我修改后、可以直接用到作文中的写法,不清楚怎么用的请去看菜单中的《作文复习策略》,如果还不清楚的话,就请去看视频课。&Both feminists and population stabilization advocates now agree that providing reproductive health services to women is first and foremost a right in itself, as well as the best and most ethical way to slow population growth.We should all agree that XXX is first and foremost a right in itself, as well as the best and most ethical way to XXX.  P3建议措施We should not shy away from discussing what actions are ethically permissible to facilitate a stable level of population growth, nor should we leave this discussion in the hands of the affluent.We should not shy away from discussing what actions are ethically permissible to facilitate XXX.  P3总结可以点击下面 ………………………………

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