专栏名称: 绿柚智识
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【会议信息】 2019 AHTMM

绿柚智识  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-04 19:58
       副推文板块为各位柚友网罗各类会议信息、招聘信息,提供最IN的学术咨询!如有招聘、会议类广告,可在后台留言与我们取得联系,一经审核通过,将在绿柚智识平台进行编辑推送!我是柚子的分割线,以下为正文~9th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference图片来源:会议官网会议时间 2019年7月9-12日会议地点Portsmouth, UK会议主题The organizing committee welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) topics:Branding in tourism and hospitality;Case studies on successful hospitality marketing programs;Climate change and tourism development;Community-based tourism;Consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality settings;Cruise tourism;Development of conceptual models;Emerging markets;Film tourism;Food tourism and food tourism marketing;Future ………………………………

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