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双语美文 | 不管世事如何,生命都在继续

每日英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-04-19 12:30
↑ 点击上方“每日英语”关注我们  It feels good to move back home after two years.  在经过了两年之后,能搬回家住真的很不错。  It was the last place I saw him alive, the last place I kissed him goodbye, and the last place I would hear him say, “I love you, Baby—see ya tonight.”  爷爷还活着时,我最后一次见到他就是在这,这也是我最后一次和他吻别的地方,也是我最后一次听到他说“宝贝,我爱你。晚上再见。”的地方。  He died that day of a heart attack shortly after arriving at work.  那天,他开始工作后不久,就突发心脏病去世了。  Tonight the fireflies came out for the first time this summer.  今晚,萤火虫们在这个夏天第一次露面。  As I planted flowers, a grandpa and his granddaughter walked by on their way to fish ………………………………

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