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Aedas新作 | 成都春熙路商圈体验先行的未来购物中心

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-02-02 09:30
Aedas 创始人及主席纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)、全球设计董事刘程辉带领团队,在成都繁华的市中心,以极具吸引力的建筑造型,创造了一个充满活力的沉浸式购物中心。Led by Aedas Founder and Chairman Keith Griffiths and Global Design Principal Leo Liu, the team has created a vibrant immersive retail mall with an alluring architectural form.场地位置Site location设计理念 Design concept购物中心位于春熙路中心地带,地理位置优越,交通便利。设计从四川独特景观日照金山中汲取灵感,以几何语言将雄伟的景观融入建筑设计。The mall is situated in the heart of Chunxi Road, enjoying a prestigious location that is conveniently accessible. The design draws inspiration from snow mountains, incorporating the fierce and magnificent geometric language into the architectural design.纪达夫手绘草图Keith’s Sketches局部立面展开图Partial façade unfold朝阳时“日照金山” ………………………………

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