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VOA常速 | 美国在尼日利亚营救美国公民

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-11-24 10:58
【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容听力文本Next, an editorial reflecting the views of the United States government.U.S. Special Forces successfully rescued an American citizen held captive by a group of armed men in Nigeria recently, underscoring the United States’ commitment to protect its citizens worldwide. The operation freed a 27-year-old farmer, who was living with his family in the neighboring country of Niger. He was taken from his farm by kidnappers demanding a ransom from his father. The United States worked with the governments of both Nigeria and Niger to achieve the rescue quickly and without military casualties. “We appreciate the support of our international partners in conducting this operation,” Chief Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement. ………………………………

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