专栏名称: 景观周
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ISLAND • 流动峡谷 | 南沙佳兆业•悦伴湾

景观周  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2021-07-01 20:18
大海看见蓝天,山谷看见绿洲。而我,看见海水渐渐泛波光,山影树影映水中,一切尽收眼底。See the blue sky through the sea,See the oasis through the valley.And me,I see the sea gradually shimmering, and the shadowsof mountains and trees reflected in the water,Everything can be seen in my eye.轻奢的湾区景观定位、前卫现代的设计语言,让场地展现全新生命力。期待您穿越峡谷、途经海境、坐上舫舟,与内心的渴望重逢,开启未来的理想生活之旅......Light luxurious bay area landscape positioning, avant-garde modern design language,Let the venue show new vitality.Looking forward to you crossing the canyon, passing the sea, and getting on the boat,Reunited with the desire of the heart,Start the journey of the ideal life in the future...| 南沙佳兆业•悦伴湾NANSHA KAISA• WONDER BAY ………………………………

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