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英式没品笑话百科  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-07 21:00
       ☆TIL that a piranha can devour a whole human child in just under a minute. Anyways, I lost my job in aquarium. 今天我发现,食人鱼可以在不到一分钟的时间内吃掉一个儿童。 总之我失去了在水族馆的工作。——Artisticspawm☆There's a scam going around asking for £50 and they can get you to the front of the vaccination queue. Don't fall for it. I can do it for £20, ask for details. 现在有一种新型骗局!50英镑就把你加塞到接种新冠疫苗等待队伍的前列。大家千万不要上当! 我这里只需要花20块,欲知更多请私信我。——KIMJONGTRUMP☆"£100 to suck your dick" This slut said to me in the pub. "That's fine" I said, returning my pint to the bar "But can you pay me upfront?" “100英镑,给你吹箫。”酒吧里一个妓女对我说。 “行啊,”我说着,把酒推了 ………………………………

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