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神外风云人物志--George J. Heuer教授

神外资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-06-11 19:14
Portrait of George Julius Heuer (1882–1950). Reprinted with permission from the George J. Heuer Birthday Volume. Surgery 23:320–321, 1948. Permission granted by Mosby, Inc. 文章George J. Heuer: forgotten pioneer neurosurgeon at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, J Neurosurg 96:1139–1146, 2002,是一篇非常好的研究额颞入路的史学文章。让我们从这篇文章的摘要读起:George J. Heuer was a pioneer in neurosurgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in the early 20th century; he trained under Harvey Cushing and acted as a mentor to Walter Dandy. In his early career, Heuer focused on research and clinical work in the field of neurosurgery and temporarily led the neurosurgery section at Johns Hopkins. One of his most important contributions to neurosurgery was the modern frontotemporal craniotomy. This elegant craniotomy, which initially was used to approach chias ………………………………

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