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清晨朗读2907:Why we need to change the way we think about exhaustion

清晨朗读会  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-05-11 22:21
Hi, I'm John, and I want to help you learn English. 这里有纯正又充满磁性的美音,这里有多样化的学习素材,这里有超过 19 万充满激情的英语学习者。关注清晨朗读会,让我们共同向梦想前进!Good Morning!今天的练习内容来自《新科学人》,是关于「疲惫」的讨论。无论是精神上还是生理上,疲惫在人群中越来越常见,即使在健康人群中,感到疲惫的人也有相当高的占比。Have fun!John其它平台在微信视频号、微博、抖音上搜索@王渊源John 关注我分享的其它有趣内容,扫描右边二维码直达我的视频号。也要记得每天都来清晨朗读会打卡哦~朗读内容Why we need to change the way we think about exhaustionBy Amy ArthurThere can be no doubt that we are in a time of crisis when it comes to our use of the planet’s limited energy resources. We have to leave our bad habits in the past and focus on more sustainable solutions. But while we ………………………………

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