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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-12 13:30
昨晚,中国足球队2019年亚洲杯小组赛第二场对阵菲律宾。国足开场拼抢积极主动,第39分钟,蒿俊闵横传,武磊禁区角上停球后转身搓射死角破门!中国1:0领先菲律宾!During the match against the Philippines, Wu Lei, who scored 27 times to win the Golden Boot of the Chinese Super League last season, lifted China to 1-0 lead with a brilliant curling before the break.下半场,第66分钟,国足前场任意球打出精妙配合,蒿俊闵传至后点,武磊半转身凌空扫射破门!Wu Lei had a brace with a volley in the 66th minute on Hao Junmin's free kick.国足2-0领先!武磊梅开二度!第80分钟,张琳芃禁区中头球摆渡,刚刚登场的于大宝首次触球便在无人防守的情况下头球破门!Substitute Yu Dabao, who scored the winning goal for China in the Kyrgyzstan game, added a third ………………………………

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