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软骨肉瘤 (骨软骨瘤软骨帽恶变)

医学解剖  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-09 20:17
来源:熊猫放射病史39岁男性,腹股沟区疼痛。(A 39-year-old man with groin pain.)影像学表现髋关节正位X线片(a)显示起自股骨近端内侧小转子下方基于骨表面的病变(a surface-based lesion arising from the medial aspect of the proximal femur just below the lesser trochanter),中心致密矿化,并提示周围为软骨样基质(dense mineralization centrally with suggestion of chondroid matrix at the periphery)。MRI图像(b和c)显示C形软骨帽(最大8cm厚) [a C-shaped cap (maximum 8cm thick)],其在T2WI呈高信号(high signal on T2-weighted images)。注意在轴位T2WI上病变的髓腔与宿主骨是相连续的(c)(the continuity between the medullary cavities of the lesion and the host bone)。鉴别诊断(前3位)骨软骨瘤 Osteochondroma软骨肉瘤 Chondrosarcoma骨表面骨肉瘤(骨旁) Surface osteosarcoma (parosteal)讨论此病变的鉴别关键点在于其是否与宿主骨相连续(whether t ………………………………

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