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量化前沿速递  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-07 12:00
机器翻译,仅供参考!可使用微信自带翻译功能自行翻译更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递获取文献链接/翻译/pdf请加入知识星球“量化前沿速递”文献汇总[1] Dimensionality reduction techniques to support insider trading detection支持内幕交易检测的降维技术来源:ARXIV_20240304[2] A time stepping deep gradient flow method for option pricing in (rough)  diffusion models(粗糙)扩散模型中期权定价的时间步进深梯度流方法来源:ARXIV_20240304[3] Non-Residential Real Estate Prices and Machine Learning: The How and the Why非住宅房地产价格与机器学习:如何以及为什么来源:SSRN_20240304[4] Blockchain Metrics and Indicators in Cryptocurrency Trading加密货币交易中的区块链度量和指标来源:ARXIV_20240305[5] Do Weibo platform experts perform better at predicting stock market 微博平台专家在预测股市方面表现更好吗来源:ARXIV_20240305[6] Regional infl ………………………………

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