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名师联室内设计智库  · 公众号  · 家居  · 2020-10-14 09:44
每日精选更新建筑应时刻保持安静让自然光照和风流淌Architecture should remain silent and let nature in the guise of sunlight and wind.——Tadao Ando 如果用一种纯粹的背景来衬托春意盎然的城市昆明,清水混凝土无疑是最妥贴的底色。If a pure background is used to set off kunming, a city full of spring, fair-faced concrete is undoubtedly the most appropriate background color.经安藤忠雄之手清水混凝土成为一种世界性的建筑语言,昆明亦在其城市发展中将国际化与当地性结合为独特的风景。树美设计在项目伊始即与建筑、景观方达成默契,形式、材料、光构成的有序自然被引入空间固有的节奏中。By Tadao Ando's hand, clear concrete has become a worldwide architectural language, and Kunming has combined internationalization with localness in its urban ………………………………

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