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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-09-22 23:13
摘要在支付了两个家庭赔偿金后,小野表示,她所有的视频都包含警告,建议观众不要模仿她的动作,并强调她的视频“不是为了教学”。原文地址:https://www.bbc.com/news/49765176特别声明:本公众号会持续摘录英文文章供大家阅读学习。文中所有观点不代表老顾或者公司立场。A Chinese influencer has agreed to pay compensation to the families of two girls - after one died in what her family says was an attempt to copy a viral video.翻译中国一名网红同意向两个家庭支付赔偿金,其中一个家庭女孩因试图效仿她的热门视频而死。词伙支付赔偿金 pay compensation效仿一个热门视频copy a viral video The girls, aged 14 and 12, were allegedly copying a video in which Ms Yeah makes popcorn in a tin can.The girls were heating up alcohol in the cans when it explod ………………………………

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