专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2018-07-21 07:58
我们的自身时常处于矛盾中修行的过程也是一个自我抗争的过程很多时候我们需要不断提醒自己凡事要往好的方面想看人要看他善的一面如果真做到了生活会简单很多快乐很多放下其实真的不难只要意念放下不断对自己说不纠结往好的方面想起码那一刻你能放下心也会随之舒展开来---加措活佛We will often encounter inner conflicts; the practice of Buddhism itself is a process of self-struggling. We may need to remind ourselves often to look on the positive side of all things, and to look to the kind side of all people. If we do so, life will be much simpler, and much happier. Letting go is actually not difficult as long as we can let go of the conscious thought, and constantly tell ourselves: "Do not be conflicted; think positively." At the very least, in that moment of letting go, our he ………………………………

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