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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-24 15:01
今天(24日),湖北省新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控指挥部发布通告称,从4月8日零时起,武汉市解除离汉离鄂通道管控措施。Wuhan, the Chinese city hardest hit by the novel coronavirus outbreak, will lift outbound travel restrictions from April 8 after over two months of lockdown, local authorities said Tuesday.通告称,离汉人员凭湖北健康码“绿码”安全有序流动。People in Wuhan will be allowed to leave the city and Hubei province, where Wuhan is the capital, if they hold a green health code, meaning no contact with any infected or suspected COVID-19 cases, according to a circular issued by the provincial COVID-19 control headquarters.从3月25日零时起,武汉市以外地区解除离鄂通道管控。Other areas in Hubei will lift outbound transportation restrictions from March 25, the circula ………………………………

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