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【Economist】Population policy: Gilding the cradle

英文杂志  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-02-14 06:00
中文导读从施行独生子女政策到全面开放二胎,人口政策变迁的背后反映的正是中国人口结构的变化。过去,人口膨胀成为中国经济发展的负担,于是政府推行计划生育,严格限制人口规模。可现如今,人口老龄化加剧,不仅给社会保障体系造成了巨大的压力,还影响了劳动力市场的发展。为了鼓励生育,政府采取了一系列措施,但效果并不显著,人们的生育欲望仍旧呈现低迷状态。China’s one-child policy was illiberal and unnecessary. Will its efforts to boost births be more enlightened? WHEN Li Dongxia was a baby, her parents sent her to be raised by her grandparents and other family members half an hour from their home in the northern Chinese province of Shandong. That was not a choice but a necessity: they already had a daughter, and risked in ………………………………

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