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成功的管理没有神奇公式 | 经济学人阅读

英语书架  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-26 08:30
外刊阅读本文选自经济学人,文章带有翻译和音频,大家慢慢“食用”~可以练听力,可以练翻译,可以尝试自己做精读,当然也可以直接泛读了解一下就可以。这是英语书架的外刊泛读专栏,不定期分享一些有意思的文章,供大家阅读涨姿势~Bartleby巴托比Juggling act杂耍There is no magic formula for management success成功的管理没有神奇公式AIRPORT BOOKSHOPS teem with guides that promise to teach executives the secrets of success. Read this tome, follow this philosophy, change your habits and you, too, can be a management titan. As a moment’s reflection on business history demonstrates, there is no sure-fire route to glory. Instead, running a company is a permanent exercise in juggling trade-offs. What is the right course of action may vary at different times, and in different industries ………………………………

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