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十点读书会  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2019-09-14 21:31
♪点击上方图标,马上收听双语节目Today is Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019.First, listen to the dialogue twice, then try to answer the questions after the dialogue.首先,听两遍小对话,然后试着回答对话后的问题。W:What can I do for you , Mr. Backer?M:Miss Yang, I will dictate some letters to you this morning. Please make some preparations for taking dictations.W:Yes. Would you want me to take them in shorthand or record them on a cassette tape?M:You're good at shorthand. Please take them in shorthand.W:OK.M:By the way, prepare a suit after the meeting. I'm gonna pick up a customer at the airport. Besides, order a place for me in the restaurant before 2 p.m.W:Got it. Q1:What is Miss Yang good at recording dictation?Q2:What is Mr. Backer going to do after the meeting?Key wordsdictate [ˈdɪkteɪt] 口述preparation [ˌprepəˈreɪʃn] ………………………………

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