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天然清新香氛产品Aquaspace Aroma™

中外香料香精第一资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-08 07:00
Features 技术特点The smell of wildflowers in the morning mist...晨雾中野花的香味……This technology can further deliver the fresh fragrance of flowers carried by moisture in the morning mist.这项技术可以进一步传递晨雾中水分携带的鲜花的清新香味。The Aquaspace Method is our unique fragrance capturing method which was developed with inspiration from such situation.Aquaspace方法是我们独特的香味捕捉方法,是在这种情况下开发的灵感。By sending moist air to the head space, more natural and fresh scents can be captured without applying stress to the flower. This capturing technology is not limited to flowers, but can also be applied to other items such as fruits.通过将潮湿的空气输送到头部空间,可以在不给花朵施加压力的情况下捕捉到更自然、更新鲜的气味。这种捕捉技术不仅限于鲜花,还可以应用于水果等其他物品。Aquaspace Aroma integrates this Aquaspace Method with ………………………………

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