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高端古董交易平台2  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-15 11:43
民国十七年贵州汽车币,钱币正面中镌刻有“贵州银币”,四字中心镌芙蓉花图;珠圈外上镌“中华民国十七年”,下镌“壹圆”。背面珠圈内镌在草地上行驶的汽车,汽车前后轮均12根辐条,寓示一年12个月平安吉祥如意发达。珠圈外上镌“贵州省政府造”,下镌“七钱二分”,左右各铸小花一朵。本钱币品相较好,形制规整,质地优良,呈自然包浆,字体、纹饰均清晰可辨,字体笔法流畅,纹饰刻制工细,存世量稀少,具有较高的收藏价值。In the seventeenth year of the Republic of China, Guizhou automobile coins were engraved with "Guizhou silver coin" on the front and "lotus flower picture" on the four-character center, and "Republic of China seventeen years" on the outside of the Pearl circle and "one circle" on the bottom. Vehicles ………………………………

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