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一个至今没做出靠谱好产品的产品经理是这样活着的 | 产品荐文 2018 #2

东炜黄  · 简书  · 程序员  · 2018-01-07 18:22


看此文标题的第一反应:我去,这说的不就是……产品才是狗狗们的最终名片啊。虽然是 14 年的文章了,但读起来仍旧爽快。

很多产品经理道理懂得很多,空闲时间勤于阅读各种知名前辈的经验分享,什么乔布斯传啊 Quora 啊 36Kr 啊老罗的演讲视频啊都反复膜拜学习。我没说这不好,我只是想陈述自己的悲剧经验,which is,因为饱读他人光辉伟业而导致的自我怀疑和自我否定。从「这个产品的商业模式够颠覆吗如果企鹅也来做了怎么办呀」,到「这个功能是好的但有没有更好的实现方式呢,有吗有吗有吗」,再到「这个按钮的颜色用的对吗」然后回去猛翻用户体验设计法则系列丛书,亲,你活的累不累?

《Start with problems. Not solutions.》


《Seven Things I Learned From One Year of Blogging (Yes, This is Clickbait)》


The best way to become a better writer is to read more and not just about a single subject matter. Why? Reading is the best way to generate new ideas. Every person has a different perspective on life. This comes from different experiences, cultural ideas, values, etc. You know things I don’t know. You can make connections I can’t make. By reading, you are allowing these unique connections to flourish, which can make you a better writer.

I have seen my own writing improve immensely due to my increased reading habit this past year. Remember, if you start to run out of ideas to write about, read some more and add fuel to your writing fire. Your brain is made for making connections, finding patterns, and discovering new insights, so feed it regularly by reading.

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