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环球时报  · 公众号  · 社会  · 2019-03-22 18:01
参赛选手要一直互扇耳光,扇到一方受不了退出为止……第一名最终拿到了3万卢布(3138.76元)奖金。先看两张图感受一下现场:(图 Via The Moscow Times)(图 Via 网络)真是看着都疼!这场比赛是最近在俄罗斯一个叫Krasnoyarsk的城市举办的,是当地一个有名的体育节目西伯利亚力量秀(Siberian Power Show)的活动之一。比赛为期两天,比赛内容可以说是简单粗暴:The challenge is precisely what it sounds like: Men take turns to stoically slap their opponent on the cheek until one of them gives up or is disqualified, the stolitca24.ru local news website reported.据当地新闻网站stolitca24.ru报道,挑战的内容很直观,男性参赛选手们轮流猛扇对方耳光,直到对方放弃或者是犯规被取消资格。Only a tall box stands between the competitors ………………………………

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