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UBS 上海办公室2021暑期实习10月31日申请截止

WallStreetTequila  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2020-10-22 22:38
WST 网申提醒不想错过心仪公司的网申机会?WST学员中心新增网申提醒功能快来一键获取Dream Company的岗位吧↓↓↓今日职位UBS - 2021 Global Markets InternshipUBS的薪资有多高?UBS的平均年薪约为7.4万美元(≈50.6万元人民币)。 职位介绍:公司:UBS职位:2021 Global Markets Internship地点:ShanghaiOn this 10-week summer program, you’ll be a real part of the team, working with our experts and learning about the industry, our clients, our firm and a specific area of it.You’ll have plenty of opportunities to develop new skills and make contacts.And if you impress us, we might invite you to join our Graduate Talent Program once you’ve graduated. 职位要求:You need to be graduating in 2022, and with less than two years of work experience.Analyze a problem, take a view and come to a decision.Plan ………………………………

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