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乘风破浪的小哪吒,会将“封神宇宙”带向何方?| Weekend Movies

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-06-21 12:23
How time flies. Summer vacation is approaching.时间过得好快,又快到一年暑假时。I still remember when the dark horse animated feature Ne Zha singlehandedly created the market for summer movies. With a stunning box office take of up to 5 billion yuan, Ne Zha has become the second highest-grossing film of all time in the Chinese mainland, lifting up the morale of domestic animators. 记得去年此时,《哪吒之魔童降世》以一己之力托起整个暑期档,累计票房约50亿,位居内地影史第二位,也让中国动画人振奋不已。But this year, China's cinemas have been shuttered for nearly five months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.今年由于疫情影响,全国电影院已“停摆”近五个月。Although there are no new releases, new films are still being produced. A few days ago, a new movie about Ne Zha, who varies looks in differen ………………………………

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