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有点慌!美国番茄酱告急丨Ketchup can't catch up

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-10 16:15
导读 受疫情影响,美国餐饮外卖订单持续增加。这也致使番茄酱,尤其是一次性小包装番茄酱出现了短缺,各大货架均呈售空状态。番茄酱价格也随之大涨,涨幅超过10%。由于供不应求,有的餐馆甚至将瓶装番茄酱“挤到”小袋包装中。还有一些餐馆不得不将一贯使用的“亨氏番茄酱”更换为其他品牌的番茄酱。It's an American tragedy that takes place in under a minute. You eagerly open the warm takeout bag in your hands, the smell of french fries wafting through its package. Everything seems to be there until you dig around the bottom of the bag. Nothing but napkins. Where's the ketchup? ▲Photo/VCG That experience has apparently become more common for Americans as the country experiences a ketchup shortage and manufacturers race to catch up to increasing demand for single-us ………………………………

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