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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-09-07 14:43
NOT much about Texas is becoming or demure.The coast is muddy and malarial; the west, seen from the air, is an immense brown mat of desert; the centre is scrubland munched by cattle. The state's history is one long tale of men imposing their wills on this landscape; and, much more rarely, of bighaired weather-beaten women imposing their wills on the men.得克萨斯州根本就没有什么东西可以配的上“优雅”,“得体”这两个词,海岸附近泥泞不堪,瘴气缭绕。从空中俯瞰,其西部是一大片荒芜的沙漠,中部则是适应放牧的灌木从林地。而本州历史更是一个长久以来人类将自身意志凌驾于自然之上的典范,甚至还是更为罕见的留着大背头的粗犷女人们长久凌驾男人之上的历史。 That was always easier said than done. Texan men, like their livestock, cluster companionably in the sh ………………………………

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