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【Economist】Logistics : Freight gain

英文杂志  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-09-20 06:00
中文导读十年前,人们还视中欧互通铁路为天方夜谭,现在,中欧铁路已成为主要运输渠道之一。中欧铁路货运量增长迅速,运输成本也在降低,中欧企业共同受惠。毫无疑问,这会影响航运和海运的运输量,但航运比海运更容易受影响,未来很多货物会从航运转向铁路运输。New rail routes between China and Europe will change trade patternsASTANA in Kazakhstan is one of the world’s most remote capitals, surrounded by thousands of kilometres of empty steppe. This summer Astana attempted to launch itself onto the global stage by hosting the World Expo, which closed on September 10th and underwhelmed many attendees. But there are other ways to have an impact. On the city’s north side, away from the Expo’s exhibits, a series of diesel trains, each pulling dozens of containers, roll ………………………………

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