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华盛顿邮报 | 怀旧商品为什么那么令人着迷?

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-21 19:00
The irresistible power of “nowstalgia”“怀旧”的无法抗拒之力The holiday season is always awash with nostalgia: both emotional and physical reminders that stoke memories of all kinds. Beyond the intangible, however, nostalgia often also finds its way into foil-wrapped boxes filled with toys and products inspired by the past.假期总是充满了怀旧之情:无论是情感上还是身体上,都会勾起各种各样的回忆。然而,除了无形的东西,怀旧之情还经常出现在用锡纸包装的盒子里,盒子里装满了过去的玩具和产品。Nostalgia – a longing or yearning for the past – has power over consumers, who eagerly snap up wares re-issued in vintage packaging, or new takes on childhood favourites.怀旧(对过去的一种渴望或向往)对消费者有很大的影响,他们急切地抢购重新发行的复古包装商品,或者是童年最爱的新产品。Brands seize the rose-coloured yearning of memory to elicit strong fe ………………………………

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