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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-11-27 14:54
塑料为人类带来了很多便利,我们现在早已习惯了用塑料,穿塑料,玩塑料,吃……塑料。没错,我们几乎每天都在吃塑料。Microplastics are “one of the greatest manmade disasters of our time”, according to the Natural History Museum. That’s bad news, given they are also everywhere; in tap water, the food you buy, the clothes you wear and the air you breathe.伦敦自然历史博物馆认为,微塑料是“这个时代最大的人造灾难之一”。这是个坏消息,因为微塑料无处不在;它存在于在自来水里,你买的食物,你穿的衣服,你呼吸的空气中。The largest microplastics can be seen by the naked eye and are anything under half a centimetre in size. But many of them are small enough to act like specks of dust which we can inadvertently breathe in or eat in food. The smallest particles are c ………………………………

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